Smile, for the year of 2011!

att inse att förkylningen äntligen är över,
julavslutningen i skolan,
Mmmm... Härliga tider. Fina tankar!
En annan favorit, inom musikkomposition!
Underbart, helt enkelt!
You used to teach me about, that life is unfair.
You used to preach about, that life doesn’t go your way.
You were my everything.
You used to talk to me, and try solve my problems.
Difficulties, he said, they are everywhere
But you were my everything.
And now when you’re gone, I always think of you.
Because now when you’re gone, that is all I can do.
You used to play with me, jump and laugh and joke around.
Be with me, always understanding
We shared my everything.
And now when you’re gone, I always think of you.
Because now when you’re gone, that is all I can do.
I felt so strong, but now I’m weak.
I used to smile, cause you were near.
But now, I’m in no mood for happiness.
What did you try to tell me?
I hear your voice, echoing in my troubled head:
Life is unfair.
Life doesn’t go your way.
Is this what you tried to tell me?!
And now when you’re gone, I always think of you.
Because now when you’re gone, that is all I can do.
Life is unfair.
Life doesn’t go your way.
And now when you’re gone, I always think of you.
Because now when you’re gone, that is all I can do.
En 20-årig, glad tjej som bor i Nyköping. Jag lever livet i en fin röd villa tillsammans med min familj. Ägnar mitt liv åt musik, litteratur och friluftsliv mest. Spelar fyra instrument, sjunger, läser tonvis med böcker och filosoferar i skogen när jag får ledig tid. Här delar jag med mig av min vardag, mina bilder och mina texter. En liten bit av mig, helt enkelt.